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(1 edit)

Noticed that the 52ft cultivator slides when on a hill when in work mode and in transport.

Forgot the file :D

it works for me, try again now

Now it works.

(2 edits) (+1)

I really like this cultivator. I just have a slight issue. The soil animation (workParticles) starts when  it is unfolding.

nice work man. The only issue I have come to with it is when making turns the cultivator likes to Tokyo drift a bit, but aside from that FANTASTIC work bud.


Very nice, will give it a try tonight, Thanks!


this is awesome, I know your working on 3 section, a 44’ 5 section would be awesome also 

left blinker flashes both and the right blinker don't work

(1 edit)

thanks, i fixed that, will be out with the next patch

i can have permission to reskin to allis-chalmers?


i only accept lizard reskins


Wow, very nice mod I must say. I love the attention to detail you have put in this mod. It looks great I will be looking forward to using this cultivator in my farm! Thanks - vivid farns

(2 edits) (+1)

Nice! Just got it in game, works wonderfully and realistically!




looks great, can't wait.


Super detailed; love it!


lookin foward to it